Open World Stories — Core Values

2 min readJan 14, 2022


At the point of deciding that Open World Stories was going to be a business I started thinking about the type of business I wanted it to be.

Collaboration is Everything

The primary purpose of the business is to make money for the writers that created it. Not just the writers, but the editors, story planners, and anyone else who helped to bring the stories to life. The more we help each other, the more we earn.


The modern internet is an horrific and creepy place with armies of trackers intent on finding out every moment of your life so they can monetise it. We will not track. Ever. Our goal will be to never need to connect your online persona to the real person behind it. Even when it comes to paying you.

Transparency by default

It isn’t clear yet what model the business will. I currently favour a cooperative, but I need to understand the implications. Whatever model is chosen though, transparency will be the default, everybody should know what everyone is being paid. They should know what we are doing with the money we earn.

Democratic decision making

Collaboration isn’t just about the writing, the entire project should be steered by the people involved in it.

Everybody is invited

If you have a skill in the creative arts, we want to find a home for you here. If you’ve just started and just want to learn, we will find things that you can do to get involved.

If you are interested in helping to create this — come and have a chat

Discord or Telegram

